

Psyche is the ultimate cause; and, psyche is the ultimate causal agent.

Introducing the Law of Psyche


Modern-day science is in desperate NEED of a reliable mechanism capable of getting things done at the quantum level among the quantum fields in the Quantum Realm.  We NEED something that has actually been experienced and observed.  Psyche, Intelligence, Quantum Consciousness, Life Force, or that Spark of Life that has been experienced and observed is the only thing that we know of that is actually capable of producing reliable results at the quantum level.

Nature or Nature’s Psyche is the ONLY thing we know of that is capable of making the quantum fields from the chaotic and unorganized energy that existed before the quantum fields were designed and made.  It is Nature’s Psyche who collapses the wave function in quantum mechanics.  It’s the ONLY thing that can, because the human psyche isn’t consciously aware of any of these things.  It’s also Nature’s Psyche who makes the quantum waves, or the particles, or the quanta in the first place.  Again, it’s the ONLY thing that can!

We NEED something that has actually been experienced and observed, in order to explain the cause behind the effects that we observe taking place at the quantum level among the quantum fields in the Quantum Realm, or Spirit World, or Non-Physical Dimension.

It was time for a scientist like me to introduce the LAW OF PSYCHE to the science community and the world.  We NEED a reliable mechanism for getting things done at the quantum level – a mechanism that has actually been experienced and observed.

The LAW of Psyche states that each psyche or intelligence has a certain amount of energy that’s under its control, and that controlling psyche can form or transform the energy under its control into anything that it wants that energy be, anytime and anywhere that it chooses to do so.  Psyches can also coordinate with each other transpersonally or telepathically in order to form macro-structures such as physical atoms, out of the energies or quanta that they own and control.

The LAW of Psyche is based exclusively upon the LAW of Conservation of Energy and Psyche, as well as the LAW of Conservation of Quantum Information.  The LAW of Quantum Information Conservation has to be true in order for quantum mechanics and quantum field theory to be true; and, the LAW of Psyche, as well as the LAW of Conservation of Energy and Psyche, have to be true in order for the LAW of Quantum Information Conservation to be true.  All truth can be circumscribed into one great whole.  We NEED these truths in order to have quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and science in the first place.

A scientific interpretation of data has an infinitely greater chance of being true if it is based upon Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Consciousness, or Quantum Field Theory rather than Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physicalism, Classical Realism, or Atheism.

Why is that?

It’s because Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Consciousness, and Quantum Field Theory are an attempt to include ALL of the evidence into evidence.  We try to include everything that has ever been experienced or observed within Quantum Mechanics, or we try to use Quantum Mechanics, Conservation of Energy, and Quantum Field Theory to explain everything that has ever been experienced and observed.

In contrast, Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives such as Darwinism and Atheism are based upon the exclusion of evidence – they deliberately exclude and reject everything that falsifies them.  The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, and Atheists claim that ONLY physical matter, entropy, death, and chance exist.  These people literally believe that the non-local, the quantum, the psychic, the transdimensional, the spiritual, or the non-physical does not exist.

There’s a serious problem here.

It’s impossible to experience the non-existence of intelligence, thoughts, consciousness, life force, or psyche.  Materialism and Naturalism claim that these things don’t exist; yet, it is obvious that they do.  It’s impossible to experience the non-existence of the immaterial, or the non-physical, or the spiritual.  It’s impossible to experience the non-existence of light, gravity, dark energy, dark matter, magnetism, radio waves, quantum waves (virtual particles and thoughts), quantum fields, x-rays, microwaves, space, time, and all the other non-physical things that have been proven to exist.  Materialism and Naturalism and Darwinism claim that these non-physical things do not exist; yet, it is obvious that they do.

The false is falsified by the truth; and, the truth is constantly and repeatedly experienced and observed.  Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives such as Darwinism and Atheism are based exclusively upon the non-existence all the different non-physical things that clearly and obviously exist.  Materialism and Naturalism can’t be experienced and observed, which means that they are philosophy and NOT science.  The non-existence of gravity, light, quantum fields, action at a distance, intelligence, consciousness, and psyche cannot be experienced and observed.  Science is based upon what has actually been experienced and observed; whereas, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and Atheism are based upon the non-existence of what has actually been experienced and observed.

Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and Atheism are the very definition of Bad Science and Bad Faith.  Not only are they bad science, but they are bad religions or bad belief systems as well.  They are BAD because they are based upon the rejection and the exclusion of all the evidence that falsifies them.  You can’t find and know the truth by rejecting it, or banning it, or excluding it whenever you encounter it; and, that’s precisely what the Materialists and Naturalists do.  These people ban, censor, ridicule, mock, reject, hide, and destroy all the evidence that falsifies their beliefs.  That’s how these people do “science”.

I understand why these people reject quantum consciousness, quantum non-locality, quantum mechanics, and quantum field theory.  There’s no money in it.  You can’t make money from telling people the truth; and, we mortal fallen physical beings have absolutely no control whatsoever over quantum mechanisms.  When it comes to quantum waves and quantum fields, we can’t manipulate and control the stuff.  Only the Gods and Nature’s Psyche can control and manipulate quantum mechanisms at the quantum level with the power of their mind.  Only Nature’s Psyche can collapse the wave function; and, only Nature’s Psyche can make the quantum waves in the first place.

We can do things at the physical level to transform energy from one form to another by starting a fire, making a generator, controlling electricity, or dropping a nuclear bomb; but, that’s not the same thing as starting a quantum wave or collapsing a wave function.  That’s not the same thing as quantum tunneling or action at a distance.  Transistors are the closest we have ever come to using quantum tunneling and quantum mechanics to get things done, and that came by determining what size of barrier is needed to prevent quantum tunneling from happening.  There’s some money to be made from that, but everything else seems to remain out of range to us.

Unless we are willing to classify photons or light as non-physical quantum objects, quantum mechanics or energy mechanics or non-physical mechanics is typically seen as a monetary dead-end, because we can’t start a quantum wave nor collapse a wave function with the power of our mind at will like Nature’s Psyche can.  Many of our scientists have simply chosen to believe that the non-physical does not exist because there’s no money to be made from it.  In contrast, you can make a ton of money telling the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists what they want to hear.  These people will pay a huge amount of money to be lied to.  It’s a growth industry!

People will not pay money to be told the truth, because the truth is not what we want to hear.  I KNOW.  I used to be a materialist, naturalist, nihilist, and atheist as recently as 2013.  I used to be afraid of the evidence that falsified my beliefs.  I refused to look at it.  I refused to look at the truth.

Well, I’m no longer afraid of the evidence that falsifies my beliefs.  Instead, I simply change my beliefs.  My current goal is to make my theories, ideas, science, and beliefs come into line with what has actually been experienced and observed.  My current goal is to find and know the truth.

In 2013, I started to question my beliefs.  I slowly discovered that there is no such thing as a stupid question – just lots of stupid answers.  By 2015, I was starting to realize that some of the most stupid and idiotic answers that have ever been devised by the mind of man were in fact created by the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, Determinists, Physical Reductionists, Classical Realists, and Atheists.

I formally turned against these people and my materialism, my naturalism, my nihilism, and my atheism in late 2015 and early 2016 when I first realized that these people are actually lying to us and trying to trick us and deceive us.

In December 2015, when I read William Buhlman’s book, “Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel”, that’s when my infatuation with Scientism, Materialism, Naturalism, Nihilism, and Atheism ended; and, I started to search for another way.  After I discovered the truth, I could no longer retain my materialism, my naturalism, my nihilism, and my atheism in good faith.  It was finally time for me to pursue the truth instead.

Mark My Words




Quantum Waves

Psyche is the Ultimate Cause; and, Psyche is the ultimate causal agent.

Introducing a Psyche Ontology and a Psyche Epistemology wherein Psyche is the fundamental unit of reality.

Psyche is the Ultimate Cause; and, Psyche is the ultimate causal agent.

Those who have seen Psyche or Quantum Non-Local Consciousness describe it as a pinprick of light or a point of light.

Psyche transmits, receives, and stores Quantum Waves. Thoughts and memories are quantum waves. While out-of-body, Psyche or Intelligence is experienced as an immaterial viewpoint in space.



Catch the wave!

Thoughts and memories are quantum waves.  They survive the death of our physical body according to the empirical evidence from Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs), Shared-Death Experiences (SDEs), and our after-death Life Reviews.  If a thought or a memory survives the death of your physical brain, then it’s truly a memory in every sense of the word.

Psyche Is Light

Psyche is the light, intelligence, and consciousness within our spirit body.

The “soul” or “spirit” is typically defined as the combination of both the psyche and the spirit body.  Psyche or Intelligence can function separately from the spirit body and actually view your spirit body from a position outside your spirit body.



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